The holy martyrs, wonderworkers, and unmercenary physicians, Cosmas and Damian, were born in Rome, brothers by birth, and physicians by profession. Brought up by their parents in the rules of piety, they led strict and chaste lives, and they were granted by God the gift of healing the sick. By their generosity and exceptional kindness to all, the brothers converted many to Christ. The brothers told the sick, “It is not by our own power that we treat you, but by the power of Christ, the true God. Believe in Him and be healed.” Since they accepted no payment for their treatment of the infirm, the holy brothers were called “unmercenary physicians.”
It is through their example that the Philoptochos (“Friends of the Poor”) is dedicated to providing help to the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, and the victims of disasters.
The early beginnings of Philoptochos can be traced back to the late 1800s with the arrival of Greek immigrants in America. At that time, the Greek women noticed the need for social and cultural clubs to address the needs of their community. The Society has flourished over the last 90 years, with 437 chapters ministering at a national and global reach.
Under the leadership of our Chairman, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc. is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The purpose of Philoptochos is expressed directly in our very name, which combines the Greek word for friend, or philos, with the word for poor, ptochos, to form "friend of the poor."
Our endeavors are a genuine expression of philanthropia, reflecting an enormous manifestation of love. This agape is evident not only in the millions of dollars of charity disbursed annually to our ministries, commitments, and special projects, but also in the multitude of meaningful programs and activities.
To quote His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, “You, the daughters, the sisters, and the mothers of our Church in America, will always be treasures.”
With the valued assistance of the Ladies of St . Paraskevi Philoptochos, we continue to support these efforts:
St. Basil’s Academy, IOCC, St. Michael’s Home, Eva’s Kitchen, St. Peter’s Haven, The Dawn Treader Christian
School in Paterson, NJ, The Breast Cancer Society, The Autism Society here in America and Greece, The Patriarchal School in Turkey, the Fires of Greece, the recent fire at the Balikli Greek Hospital for the elderly in Turkey, The Mudgirls Studio located in southern New Jersey that helps homeless women gain back their lives with dignity, Feed the Hungry which provides food for starving people in South America and Africa and a plethora of other needy foundations .
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our email,
With Sisterly Love,
Executive Board Members
President: Harriet Panagakis
Vice President: Denise Cecchini
2nd Vice President: Tina Anastos
Recording Secretary: Stephanie Panagakis
Corresponding Secretary: Elaine Manoliadis
Treasurer: Anthoula Bozios
Assistant Treasurer: Kelly Vergis
Social Services: Lola Katsanos
Board Members
Effie Kambourakis
Anna Protopapas
Presvytera Gigi Souritzidis
Lucy Tsimpedes
MaryAnn Hariton
Lisa Marcopulos
Helga Diamandopoulos
Phyllis Magiros
Michelle Mariano
Alexandra Argiris
JoAnna Tsimpedes
Honorary Members
Christina Foukas
Voula Golematis
Anna Sakellakis
Katy Stratos
Fay Pappas
Eleni Klimentos
The National Philoptochos’ Department of Social Services assists Orthodox Christian Individuals and Families who are in the United States, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status, who are experiencing human service and/or financial challenges.
We make every effort to ensure that all who are involved in the Philoptochos Social Services process respect the privacy of those seeking our help by keeping client information confidential.
Apply for assistance here:
​Consent Release form: