The St. George Church has a flourishing Sunday Church School program with grade levels starting at the "Little Angels" Class, and continuing through Tenth Grade. We recently extended our program by adding in an optional Graduate School Class for our Eleventh and Twelfth Graders. Preschoolers who are at least 3 years old by October 1st may register for the Little Angels Class. All other children go to the grade level which they attend in their home school district.
Children typically attend the Liturgy with their parents and then proceed to their classes after Holy Communion until dismissal at 11:45. Our Church School staff consists of forty teachers and their assistants. Some of them have been Church School teachers for more than thirty years and all are devoted to teaching and living their Orthodox faith.
In an effort to teach our children the importance of practicing their faith, the Church School undertakes many projects. Some of them have been on-going for years, while others are short term projects. They are listed here for your information.
*Support-A-Priest Mission Program: The students make a nominal weekly donation, which enable our Church School to send $300 each year to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) which then forwards our donation to a missionary priest to supplement their meager income.
*Junior Stewardship: In an effort to help our students learn how to be good stewards of the church we make a pledge or a promise to give $300 to the Church. This is also done through the collection of small change each week with a check presented to the Church at our Graduation ceremony.
*Thanksgiving Food Collection: The Church School coordinates the effort to collect food for needy families in our parish and the surrounding community.
*Angel Tree: A Church School class decorates a Christmas Tree with angels and asks the other children and parishioners to select an angel and purchase the item written on it. The gifts are then donated to children and adults in need.
*Christmas Pageant: On the Sunday before Christmas, the children reenact the Incarnation of Jesus by presenting a pageant in the Church. This beautiful service includes our older children narrating with our younger children using costumes to represent various parts of this Biblical event.
*Oratorical Festival: The Church School has been involved with the Oratorical Festival since 1983. Many of our students have represented the New Jersey Diocese, and New Jersey Metropolis at the Archdiocese Oratorical Festival. The students in the Seventh through Tenth Grades go over the topics in class and are guided in the writing and delivery process. This program provides a wonderful opportunity for the students to gain self-confidence and poise when speaking before an audience. The Little Angels-Sixth Grades also prepare brief presentations which is given in church.
*Bake Sale: The Church School sponsors an annual bake sale just before the start of lent. Each year it is determined how the funds will be raised will be utilized.
*Graduation: A graduation ceremony is held in June, where our Tenth Grade graduates are presented with a Bible and a diploma and our Twelfth Grade graduates are presented with an icon and a certificate commemorating the day. One of the requirements we ask of the students is to write an essay on a topic relating to how Church School affected their lives. It’s always quite interesting to see how the question is answered.
Through the various projects the Church School sponsors, it is hoped that our children will be inspired to live their lives according to the basic morals and traditions of the Orthodox Church. All children are welcome and encourage to join our Church School program. Our families register annually for Sunday School and typically pay a registration fee of $40 per family.